- RACGP aged care clinical guide (Silver Book)
- Evidence Based Clinical Guidelines for adults in the terminal phase (WA Health)
- National Palliative Care Standards (website)
- National Palliative Care Standards 2018 (PDF)
- Therapeutic Guidelines: Palliative Care Version 4
WA resources
Palliative care resources
- End-of-Life Care Program (
- End of life care - WA Health
- WA End-of-Life and Palliative Care Strategy 2018-2028
- Implementation Plan One (2020-2022) of the WA End-of-Life and Palliative Care Strategy 2018-2028
- Guide to specialist palliative care services WA
- Maps of specialist palliative care services – Perth and WA
- Advance care planning training and resources (
- End of life and Palliative Care Education and Training for WA – interactive digital resource that simplifies access to, navigation, and tracking of, education and training opportunities in WA.
- HealthPathways: (Requires login – contact healthpathways for access)
- Palliative care: Symptom management in palliative care
Aged care
- Residential Goals of Care form
- Residential Goals of Care implementation support – Link coming soon
- End of life and palliative care for people with dementia framework
- HealthPathways (Requires login – contact healthpathways for access)
- Advance care planning
- Older adults’ health
- Before Entering a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF)
- Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
- Depression in Older Adults
- Falls Prevention and Assessment
- Health and Frailty Assessment for Older Adults
- Unexpected Deterioration in an Older Person
- Older Adult Abuse and Neglect
- Nutrition and Weight Management - Older Adults
- Older Adults' Health Requests
Acute care
- Goals of Patient Care
- End-of-Life Framework for comprehensive, coordinated care at end-of-life in acute healthcare setting.
Diversity and specific needs
- Aboriginal End-of-Life and Palliative Care Framework
- Bereavement Framework for WA – Link coming soon
- WA Voluntary Assisted Dying: Essential information for health professionals
Patients, carers and families
- Palliative Caring Booklet – Brochure for caregivers from Palliative Care WA
- My Palliative Care – Brochure for patients from Palliative Care WA
Additional resources
- CareSearchgp App– Smartphone app that supports GPs in delivering quality palliative care across the life course. It brings together guidance on terminal prescribing for specific symptoms and evidence-based information on key care issues.
- CareSearch – General Practitioner resources
- palliAGED- palliative care evidence and practice information resource for the Australian aged care sector.
- End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC)
- Pain in Residential Aged Care Facilities: Management Strategies, 2nd Edition
Resources from the Australian Pain Society including downloadable forms - Palliative care for specific populations, Australian Family Physician
- Dignity and the challenge of dying in nursing homes: the residents’ view, Age and Ageing
- Pain assessment in advanced dementia - PAINAD Scale, Validated tool for use in dementia
- Abbey Pain Scale, CareSearch.
To assess pain in the patient who is cognitively impaired or unable to communicate verbally - Confusion and terminal restlessness (pdf) – information brochure for carers. From Palliative Care Victoria website
- Patient summary of treatment recommendations near the end of life - From the American College of Physicians href="">End-of-life care in cardiopulmonary diseases
- Dementia Australia – GP Advice Service (GPAS)
- LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
- End of Life Law for Clinicians (ELLC)
Reminder:You can quick log CPD for completing each module or using the resources and tools above via MyCPD or via the RACGP CPD app.